Published: 25-03-2021


Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash from Power Co-generation Boilers as a Supplementary Cementitious Material

Safiki Ainomugisha, Bisaso Edwin, Bazairwe Annet
Abstract 1211 | PDF Downloads 570

Constraints in Water Access in Laikipia County, Case of Ewaso Ng’iro River Basin in Kenya

Simeon Lesrima, Gideon Nyamasyo, Kiemo Karatu
Abstract 747 | PDF Downloads 401

Natural vegetation regeneration from soil seed banks in the cultivated edges of Sudd wetlands in Juba, Southern Sudan

Josephine Esaete, Augustine Bongo, Thomas Lado, Tomor Bojoi, Henry Busulwa
Abstract 530 | PDF Downloads 241

Impact of agricultural commercialization on household food security among smallholder farmers in Zhombe North Rural District, Zimbabwe

Pamela Madududu, Willy-Marcel Ndayitwayeko, Emmanuel Mwakiwa, Jacqueline Mutambara
Abstract 921 | PDF Downloads 473