An Adoption model for a big data analytics system for improving healthcare services in Burundi’s public hospitals

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Yves Habimana
Irene Moseti-Morara
Damaris Odero


Big Data Analysis (BDA) Adoption, Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) theory, Adoption Readiness Assessment Tool (ARAT)


One of the key responsibilities of a government is to provide efficient health care services that are better and affordable. In Burundi, patients’ health records are collected using handwritten forms and stored in filing cabinets. Evidence’ based research and practice shows that adoption of a Big Data Analytics (BDA) system can significantly improve health care services. Unfortunately, BDA adoption models and automated assessment tools are lacking not to mention the dearth caused by researchers’ predominant focus on the technical aspects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to propose a BDA system adoption model for improving health care services in Burundi’s public hospitals. This was achieved through a mixed research method a large part being qualitative. The factors that influence the adoption of BDA in public healthcare services using the Technology Organization Environment (TOE) adoption theory through a desk research. Semi-structured interviews, observations and document reviews were used to investigate the methods used to collect, store and analyze data in Public hospitals of Burundi. Afterwards, a web based automated Adoption Readiness Assessment Tool (ARAT) was developed then used to assess the readiness of Burundi in adopting a BDA system in its public hospitals. The assessment results showed that the country has adequate telecommunication infrastructures and has started using information systems like OpenClinic and District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) in some public hospitals, the government has set up policies for e-Health and the level of awareness is high as well among health workers. But there are improvements to be made in order to assure that the adoption is successful. Lastly, a tailored adoption model was proposed describing what should be done and how in order to assure a successful adoption of a BDA in public hospitals.


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