The economic viability analysis on the Adopted Climate Change Adaptation Strategies among Maize Farmers in semi-arid of central Tanzania

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Mohamed Said
Augustino Temba


economic viability, Benefit Cost Ratio, maize farmers, climate change, adaptation strategies


An investigation of the economic viability of climate change adaptation strategies facilitates proper identification of strategies with low risk. However, there has been limited investigation of economic viability of the adopted strategies. This study aimed to examine the benefit-cost ratio of climate change adaptation strategies practiced by farmers of maize in Kongwa District, Dodoma Region. The study used a cross-sectional design to collect data. A total of 206 farmers and nine (9) key informants were involved during processes of collecting primary data. As the study adopted cross-sectional design, a questionnaire survey, key informant interview and focus group discussion were used to collect socioeconomic data, climate change adaptation strategies and cost of adaptation strategies. Qualitative data were analysed by using thematic analysis technique. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and econometric analysis by using benefit cost ratio. The study revealed that majority of farmers adopted several climate change adaptation strategies in order to cope with a myriad of climatic risks during maize cropping season. The most adopted strategies were intercropping (81.6%), improved seeds (63.6%), varying planting date (53.4%), tilling by tractor/power tiller (52.5%). A combination of tractor ploughing, inter-cropping, and varying plant date is the mostly (15%) adopted. All combinations of the adopted strategies were found economically viable as they revealed an average BCR of 2.1. However, the combination of tractor ploughing, intercropping, and improved seed varieties had higher BCR=2.9 when compared to other strategies. This study concludes that farmers should be advised to adopt the adaptation strategies which is economic viable with low risk, however, the strategies should be practical based on socioeconomic level of the farmers and environmental conditions.

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