Analysis of E-Exams performance under COVID-19 Pandemic at Kabale University, Uganda

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Businge Phelix Mbabazi
Nkamwesiga Nicholas
Benon Basheka


Analysis; Performance; E-examinations; COVID-19 pandemic; Kabale University


There has been a shift in the mode of conducting exams from the physical appearance of students to the electronic examinations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper presents the experiences in the management of e-exams as part of the summative evaluation of students. This was achieved by establishing the readiness strategies for managing e-exams, determining the performance of e-exams management and ascertaining the challenges faced during the management of e-exams. Objectives one and three were achieved by reviewing secondary data gathered from various reports from the University and objective two was achieved by analysing the primary data from the e-learning system. The results of the study indicated that Kabale University was strategically positioned to conduct e-exams through university policies, management support, infrastructural acquisition, competent human resource, technical and awareness training of staff and students. The      performance rates of e-exams varied from one faculty to another with the least and most attendance rates being 88.62% and 96.85% respectively, and with an overall performance of 92.18% at the university level. Regardless of the success stories, the study identified challenges which the university is already resolving and others that need more attention. The study identified that the e-exam took the form of multiple-choice questions and take-home exams. The challenges were technical e.g., lack of equipment, unreliable Internet and electricity problems; economical e.g., lack of money to buy data; social e.g., lack of conducive environment to sit for examinations at homes and integrity e.g., difficult to confirm the authenticity of the examinees’ identity. The paper recommends the exploration of viable solutions that support      diverse forms of e-exams while regulating exam malpractices, like enabling software applications that limit the students’ ability to navigate and search through the computer and internet, live proctoring option to monitor candidates and having response teams to attend to examinees

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