Effect of Agroforestry on community wellbeing in Kyannamukaaka Sub County, Masaka

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Henry Mbowa
Murongo Esau


Adoption, agroforestry, climate change, health, tree-crop interaction, wellbeing


Community wellbeing is dependent on agroforestry, which provides social, economic, health and ecological benefits for man, and has proved essential in the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper purposely examines the effect of agroforestry on community wellbeing with a focus on the benefits of tree-crop interactions on community’s wellbeing, and limitations to adoption of tree-crop interactions in Kyanamukaaka Sub County. The paper employs a cross-sectional survey design using qualitative data collection approaches. The paper targets 35 farmers from which 32 practicing in tree-crop interactions were determined by Krejcie and Morgan sample size determination table. Respondents were purposely selected and participated in the study. Data was collected through interview, observation and documentary review. Later, it was organized, transcribed and triangulated to develop themes for interpretation, analysis and discussion. Results indicate that tree-crop interactions offer socioeconomic [food (96.9%), local herbs (100%), fodder (52.6%), raw material (62.5%), firewood and income (90.6%), employment (37.5%) and ecological (conserves soil fertility and moisture conservation (50%), controls soil erosion runoff (59.4%), protect soil health (28.1%) and act as habitats organisms (34.4%)] benefits. Furthermore, other themes included; climate change (84.4%), land size and ownership (90.6%), inadequate competences (50%) anthropocentrism (56.2%), poor quality and high costs of farm inputs (96.9%) and diseases (93.7%) as limitations to adoption of tree-crop interactions. The paper concludes that tree-crop interactions were of benefit to the community. However, observations show that some households had no trees while the others cut trees unsustainably on their farmlands. Therefore, to increase adoption of tree-crop interactions and diversity, Kyannamukaaka Sub County and Masaka District should create awareness and build farmers’ capacity in climate change resilience, underground forestry management, tree growing and energy efficient technologies. 


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