Composition dynamics and regeneration potential of preferred medicinal plants in the eastern arc mountains: case study of west Usambara mountains

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Eastern Arc Mountains; Regeneration potential; Saplings; Seedlings; Species diversity


The Lushoto district of Tanzania boasts a rich diversity of medicinal plants, cherished for their therapeutic properties by the local communities. However, utilisation preferences of medicinal plants have been linked to their threats due to overharvesting and poor management. This study aimed at assessing the diversity and regeneration of medicinal plants used by the local people in five selected villages (Kiluwai, Irente, Kwemakame, Viti and Mwangoi) of Lushoto District. Medicinal plants diversity was assessed through phytosociological survey while regeneration potential was determined based on the number and dimensions of seedlings, saplings and adults. Simpson’s diversity index (D) was used to calculate the diversity of medicinal plants in each of the selected village.  Quantitative data were analysed by using Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.  The study revealed low diversity of medicinal plants in all studied villages ranging from D = 0.361 in Kiluwai Village to D = 0.054 in Irente Village. Likewise, majority of the medicinal plants exhibited no regeneration (NR) across all study sites. The detected poor or no regeneration status of medicinal plants and low diversity serves as an indicator of the ecological extinction of medicinal plants at local level in the near future. Therefore, strong initiatives should be taken to ensure the sustainability of medicinal plants in the study area.

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